lab 26 Distributed workflow (2/4)


We will now configure remotes on each developper's private repository.

For some technical reason, you need to disable the SSL certificates verification when accessing the gitlab server from the labs rooms at Ensicaen. To do so, just export the variable below:


export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true

Add an upstream remote on Dany's side 01

Note: This step should be followed by Dany only.

"upstream" is a conventional name to designate the official repository from a developer's viewpoint. In order to make it short to pull from it, Dany adds it as a remote.


cd tp-git
git remote add upstream

Add a developper remote on Alex's side 02

Note: This step should be followed by Alex only.

In order to make it short for Alex to pull from Dany's repository, we also add it as a remote.


cd tp-git
git remote add dany

Up next 03

Let's have Dany work on the project.

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