lab 12 Viewing Diverging Branches


View the Current Branches 01

We now have two diverging branches in the repository. Use the following log command to view the branches and how they diverge.


git hist --all


$ git hist --all
* 947edf2 2015-09-29 | Hello uses greet function (greet) [Jim Weirich]
* 9f9f376 2015-09-29 | Added greeter function [Jim Weirich]
| * 1523eec 2015-09-29 | Added README (HEAD -> master) [Jim Weirich]
* e801e10 2015-09-29 | Using argv [Jim Weirich]
* 21c17bd 2015-09-29 | First commit [Jim Weirich]

Here is our first chance to see the --graph option on git hist in action. Adding the --graph option to git log causes it to draw the commit tree using simple ASCII characters. We can see both branches (greet and master), and that the master branch is the current HEAD. The common ancestor to both branches is the “Using argv” branch.

The --all flag makes sure that we see all the branches. The default is to show only the current branch.

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