Board 0.9.6
#include <Board.h>
#include <cmath>
using namespace LibBoard;
const int PIXEL_WIDTH = 30;
const int IMAGE_HALF_SIDE = 15; // In pixels...
int myRound(double x)
return (x >= 0.0) ? static_cast<int>(floor(x + 0.5)) : static_cast<int>(ceil(x - 0.5));
template <typename T> void mySwap(T & a, T & b)
T tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
} // namespace
void drawPixel(Board & board, int x, int y)
board.drawRectangle(PIXEL_WIDTH * (x - 0.5), PIXEL_WIDTH * (y + 0.5), PIXEL_WIDTH, PIXEL_WIDTH);
* Draws a rasterization of a line segment, i.e., the set of pixels
* that intersect the segment (and the Euclidean line segment as well).
void drawLine(Board & board, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
// Draw the Euclidean line in the real plane.
board.setPenColorRGBi(255, 0, 0);
board.drawArrow(x1 * PIXEL_WIDTH, y1 * PIXEL_WIDTH, x2 * PIXEL_WIDTH, y2 * PIXEL_WIDTH);
board.fillCircle(x1 * PIXEL_WIDTH, y1 * PIXEL_WIDTH, 2);
board.fillCircle(x2 * PIXEL_WIDTH, y2 * PIXEL_WIDTH, 2);
board.setPenColorRGBi(0, 0, 0);
// Draw the rasterized line.
bool permute = false;
double slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
if (std::abs(slope) > 1) {
permute = true;
mySwap(x1, y1);
mySwap(x2, y2);
slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
if (myRound(x1) == myRound(x2)) {
drawPixel(board, myRound(x1), myRound(y1));
drawPixel(board, myRound(x2), myRound(y2));
int xStep = (x1 < x2) ? +1 : -1;
int x = myRound(x1);
int xStop = myRound(x2);
// Draw pixel(s) for x=round(x1)
if (permute) {
drawPixel(board, myRound(y1), x);
} else {
drawPixel(board, x, myRound(y1));
int y = myRound(slope * ((x + xStep * 0.5) - x1) + y1);
if (y != myRound(y1)) {
if (permute) {
drawPixel(board, y, x);
} else {
drawPixel(board, x, y);
// Traverse all xs
if (permute) {
do {
x += xStep;
int yA = myRound(slope * ((x - 0.5) - x1) + y1);
drawPixel(board, yA, x);
int yB = myRound(slope * ((x + 0.5) - x1) + y1);
if (yB != yA) {
drawPixel(board, yB, x);
} while (x != xStop);
} else {
do {
x += xStep;
int yA = myRound(slope * ((x - 0.5) - x1) + y1);
drawPixel(board, x, yA);
int yB = myRound(slope * ((x + 0.5) - x1) + y1);
if (yB != yA) {
drawPixel(board, x, yB);
} while (x != xStop);
int main(int, char *[])
Board board;
const int side = PIXEL_WIDTH * IMAGE_HALF_SIDE;
board.setPenColorRGBi(0, 0, 0);
board.drawLine(-side, 0, side, 0);
board.drawLine(0, -side, 0, side);
// Slope < 1, forward and backward
drawLine(board, -12.25, 1.2, 5.34, 9.23);
drawLine(board, 0.3, -3.2, 8.4, -6.7);
drawLine(board, -2.3, -3.2, -12.4, -7.7);
// Slope > 1
drawLine(board, 7.6, 1.2, 10.5, 12.1);
board.scaleToWidth(25, UseLineWidth);
board.saveSVG("line_segment.svg", PageSize::BoundingBox, 0.0, Unit::Centimeter);
Declaration of the Board class.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition arithmetic.cpp:16
void drawLine(Board &board, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
Definition line_segment.cpp:43
void drawPixel(Board &board, int x, int y)
Definition line_segment.cpp:34
const int PIXEL_WIDTH
Definition line_segment.cpp:15
Definition line_segment.cpp:16
Definition Board.h:55
Class for EPS, FIG or SVG drawings.
Definition Board.h:61
void fillCircle(double x, double y, double radius)
Definition Board.cpp:352
void drawLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
Definition Board.cpp:303
void drawRectangle(double left, double top, double width, double height)
Definition Board.cpp:323
Board & setLineCap(LineCap cap)
Definition Board.h:1072
void drawArrow(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, Arrow::ExtremityType type=Arrow::ExtremityType::Plain)
Definition Board.cpp:313
Board & setPenColorRGBi(unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue, unsigned char alpha=255)
Definition Board.cpp:232
void saveEPS(std::ostream &out, PageSize size=PageSize::BoundingBox, double margin=0.0, Unit unit=Unit::Millimeter, const std::string &title=std::string()) const
Definition Board.cpp:539
Board & setLineWidth(double width)
Definition Board.cpp:274
void saveSVG(const char *filename, PageSize size=PageSize::BoundingBox, double margin=0.0, Unit unit=Unit::Millimeter) const
Definition Board.cpp:765
Shape & scaleToWidth(double w, LineWidthFlag lineWidthFlag)
Definition Shape.cpp:85